What does it look like to walk in the way of Jesus as a family? Families are an important context for discipleship, not only for children, but for parents as well. It's where we develop our identity, learn what to value and how to relate to others and navigate the challenges and stresses of life. Parents are invited to a practical workshop led by Mark and Lisa Scandrette, authors of the new book Belonging and Becoming: Creating a Thriving Family Culture (Lion Hudson, 2017). The workshop will explore how to develop a soulful, creative and intentional approach to family life. Mark Scandrette is founding director of Reimagine, a centre for integral Christian practice based in San Francisco.
We'll be in the Christopher room
Workshop fee: £8 per family (includes a copy of the book)
RSVP or find out more by emailing Tom Bible: thomasbible AT gmail.com