Mark has written six books on practical spiritual formation that seek to apply spiritual wisdom to everyday life. Before each book is published he usually spends several years piloting the concepts and processes explored with groups in multiple contexts. He is currently working on a book about transformation and how to design a “personal growth experiment.”
THE NINEFOLD PATH OF JESUS: Hidden Wisdom of the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount are Jesus’ “manifesto” for a new way of being and living. In the divided and challenging times we live in, it’s vital that we have a clear vision of the new kind of life Jesus makes possible. The Ninefold Path of Jesus explores this vision along with tools and practices that might help us integrate this reality into our everyday lives. These nine sayings of Jesus invite us to move beyond our first instincts to embrace the deeper reality of “the kingdom of God.” Whatever your story, whatever your struggle, wherever you find yourself, this way is available to you. IVP 2021
“This book is a refreshing, embodied, honest and emotionally moving exploration into following the way of Jesus.:
—Noemi Vega Quiñones
THE NINEFOLD PATH LEARNING LAB AND NOTEBOOK (with Danielle Welch). A comprehensive leaders guide for facilitating group spiritual formation journey through the Beatitudes. Includes detailed session outlines and hand outs. Participant notebooks also available in packs of five. Available for purchase at
BELONGING & BECOMING: Creating A Thriving Family Culture (with Lisa Scandrette). This book presents a soulful, creative and intentional approach to family life that includes reflection questions and practical exercises for parents and families. Available at Audio version at
FREE: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most. This practical book on simplicity invites readers to embrace soul practices like gratitude, trust, contentment and generosity and develop practical skills with time, purpose, finances and possessions for greater meaning and global sustainability.
Practicing The Way of Jesus: Life Together in the Kingdom of Love. So many of us want to live in the way of Jesus-- pursuing a life that is deeply soulful, connected to our real needs and good news to our world. Yet too often our methods for growth are individualistic, information driven or disconnected from the details of every day life. How can we close the gap between how we want to live and how we actually live? This book explores how to rediscover a sense of immediacy and action in our spiritual lives.
Soul Graffiti: Making A Life in the Way of Jesus. Phyllis Tickle said, “This book is not so much a book as it is an encounter with a Christianity that is urban, American, un-institutional and now.” Jossey-Bass 2007 Available on Amazon.
Animate Faith, An imaginative exploration of Christianity's big questions. Sparkhouse/Augsburg Fortress brought together seven leading Christian voices to create an accessible, captivating exploration of big questions of the Christian faith.