• St. Columba's (map)
  • 12835 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard
  • Inverness, CA, 94937
  • United States

Start the new year by taking time to connect, reflect, listen and dream. 

Hurry, busyness and distraction are the enemies of thriving. Contemplative practice is a powerful gift that can help us reconnect with God and the core of who we are. In the most basic sense, prayer is any action we can take to become more attentive and responsive to the grace of God in our lives. In this three day group retreat we will explore a variety of contemplative prayer practices from the Christian tradition, including: silence, solitude, stillness, examen, divine reading and breath prayer. The weekend will included guided sessions, extended time for personal reflection, shared meals and conversation. Start the new year by taking time to connect, reflect, listen and dream.  

January 5-7, 2018

St. Columba’s Retreat Center, Inverness, CA

$150 (includes 5 meals, lodging and retreat materials). 

Scholarships available upon request. Contact info@reimagine.org

SIGN UP TO PARTICIPATE: https://createspace.eventbrite.com

Facilitated by Mark & Lisa Scandrette, Kristen Kludt and Sean Randall

You are welcome to arrive at the retreat center anytime after 4 p.m. The first session will begin on Friday at 7 p.m. and the retreat will conclude at 12 p.m. on Sunday.