Belonging and Becoming- Creating a thriving family culture
Together we’ll be working with Mark and Lisa Scandrette on diving deep into creating a vision for our family life that reflects who God is calling us to be. What are the practices and approaches that will help us to be strong, enriched families where each member is loved and supported to become all that they were made to be, and enabled to thrive?
And thinking more widely, can we use these ideas to create a vision for our family camp community?
Camp Participants are invited to begin this work prior to camp using the book “Belonging and Becoming - Creating a Thriving Family Culture” as a study guide with other families living close by. Copies are available from the Uniting Faith and Families Project - contact Robyn to get yours.
Our program will include sessions with Mark and Lisa Scandrette, all-age worship, whole family games and activities, space for reflection and retreat, and activities for each different age. Bring board games, outside games, swim gear. musical instruments and marshmallows. For program updates, follow our blog -
Mark and Lisa Scandrette are co founders of ReIMAGINE: A Center for Integral Christian Practice. They lead an annual series of retreats, workshops and projects designed to help participants apply spiritual wisdom to everyday life. For twenty five years they have devoted themselves to creating community, offering hospitality, and inviting transformation in at risk neighborhoods. They live in the Mission District of San Francisco and have three young adult children.
Register online, or via email:, or call: 03 9340 8815 if you require a paper-based registration form
Registrations close Friday 2 March 2018
For more information contact:
Cath James: