Welcome to Living the Revolutionary 9 Beats of Jesus - an experiential journey through the ancient wisdom of the Beatitudes.
Jesus of Nazareth emerged in first Century Palestine as a revolutionary rabbi, beloved by the struggling masses and despised by religious authorities and Roman politicians. His execution only fanned the flame of the movement his life and teaching ignited, and reports of his resurrection from the dead led many to conclude that he was the Messiah, the chosen one.
Twenty centuries later, Jesus is known primarily through the lens of Christian doctrine and tradition. But try to imagine the hunger, curiosity and intrigue that drew his first followers to him, before they knew exactly who he was or what he would accomplish. They knew him by how he lived and taught among them. When debate arose about who or what Jesus actually was, Jesus asked his disciple Peter, “Who do you say I am?” Peter replied, “You have the words of eternal life.” Peter and the other disciples knew, by first hand experience, that Jesus taught a living way. And maybe this is what is missing for so many of us today. We have thoughts, beliefs and doubts - but have we learned, by intention and practice, how to follow a life-giving way?
Living the Revolutionary 9 Beats of Jesus, together with the Ninefold Path, is an attempt to recapture the curiosity, excitement and challenge the first followers of Jesus experienced as they watched him teach and live. During this two-day retreat/training we will explore the revolutionary invitation of the Beatitudes, including group learning and exercises, periods of silent reflection and space to relax, recharge, connect and have fun. Participants will come away equipped with tools and resources to lead an incredible life walking 9 beats to the bar!
Facilitated by: Mark Scandrette and a collaborative team.
When: Friday, 18th May, 7:00pm to 9:30pm. Saturday, 19th May, 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Where: Quaker Meeting House. 6 Dean Street. Bangor. LL57 1UP
Cost: £20 includes access to both days, refreshments (tea/coffee), an optional light dinner Saturday evening, and The Ninefold Path Notebook. Please bring a packed lunch on Saturday.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/living-the-revolutionary-9-beats-of-jesus-with-mark-scandrette-tickets-45600632720