• City Salvos (map)
  • 277 Pirie Street
  • Adelaide, SA, 5000
  • Australia

There is a hunger in our local churches and our world. Our world hungers for connection, belonging, love, kindness, and goodness. Our local churches hunger for opportunities to exist in meaningful ways in our communities and neighbourhoods. This is the space into which Jesus speaks. We know our Sunday attractional models of church are no longer working. People are searching for something far more. They are searching for something real and authentic, and something that is lived out every day. They are not satisfied by just hearing sermons, or attending a bible study, or by doing things because someone up the front said they should. This is a real challenge for the local church.

The good news is this is the exact challenge that Jesus spoke the new invitation of the Kingdom into. He said the Father and I are all about relationship, connection, belonging, and community. He taught us to see all people as created in the image of God, with inherent value and worth. He said that this life and this Kingdom are all about washing feet, serving others, being a neighbour, and that neighbours even include our enemies. This world is crying out for the radical love that is found in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The challenge is, how do we live this Kingdom out in our world today? Jesus provided us a way through His invitation of life in all it’s fullness.

Without meaning to be, our methods of discipleship are often individualistic, information driven or disconnected from the struggles of life. To grow and change we must relate the gospel to aches in our world, take new risks, and try on new ways of thinking and doing. This workshop will take the invitation of Jesus to a deeper level, through practical exercises, to help you to begin a different conversation in your community.

WHEN: Tues 10 & Wed 11 March 2020, 9:30 - 4:00pm both days

WHERE: City Salvos - 277 Pirie Street ADELAIDE

COST: $80 Per Participant (Includes Take Away Resources)

Register HERE.